Everyone has heard of the huge and tragic problems in Ukraine, but most don't know how or where to help! My close friend, and leader of the Network of Related Pastors, Keith Tucci, has built a trusted network of friends and pastors in Romania and Poland to get needed money and resources directly to the affected women and children fleeing Ukraine, or just over the border into Ukraine. Knowing we, AND YOU, now have a trusted party to give funds through allows our friends in Central Florida to have confidence that their financial assistance is really making a difference! Will you help us help these wonderful Ukrainians?
When Ukraine was attacked by Russia, we immediately knew we needed to help those who were fleeing the war zones. We went and met with groups of Romanian pastors and leaders. Since that time, we have shipped hundreds of tons of food and medicine into the areas of need. We’ve also purchased heavy-duty vans that can haul large loads to distribution points that we’ve established with local churches. Items like generators, water purifiers, and sleeping bags have also been distributed.
Ukraine is suffering under the attack from Russia’s bombshells, and missiles are falling in residential areas on a daily basis. Death and destruction is everywhere.
The church there has risen up in a wonderful way to offer hope and help. We are privileged to partner with them to demonstrate the love of God.
There are over 7 million people in Ukraine now who are homeless, living with friends, families, and in churches. We’ve been deep in the war zones. It’s hard to comprehend what we’ve witnessed.
Jesus told us to minister to the least of these. These dear people are just that--in need in every way. Please join us as we bring the Bread of Life and the bread of man together to glorify our Father!
--Pastor Keith Tucci
The numbers that need help seem overwhelming. But we must look into their faces and see ourselves. We must see them one at a time. Don’t think about millions. See the importance of one. One woman who has been walking for days with her children, not sure if she will see her husband again. One elderly couple who left behind all they ever knew, hoping to find safety and care in a new land.
Instead of being overwhelmed and desensitized by the numbers, we are going to help a few know that God loves them, that His Church is alive, and their life, even as it is now shattered, is precious and valuable. We are inviting you to join us to see one person, one family, that we can really make a difference with.
Truly I say to you, as you have done it to the least of these, you have done it to Me.
NRP Apostolic Team Leader
We are looking into the face of world history. We, the body of Christ, have an opportunity to make it His-Story, so that, no matter what happens, when an honest appraisal is taken, the world will know that the Church ran to the roar and not away from it! I’m asking for your help. I don’t know what your situation is, I don’t know how much you’ve already done, but I believe this is a time to step up.
I’ve never been shy to ask for support in these situations. (That’s the benefit of really believing in your mission.) Not only am I confident in the impact it makes, but in 40+ years of ministry, I have yet to meet the person down the road who was angry or disappointed that they had given—even those who gave radically and sacrificially. It’s always the opposite. We feel blessed and thankful to have made a difference.
So I am boldly asking you to step up. Make a difference for the least of these.
Every dollar we raise will go directly to the ground level on both sides of the border. There are no admin costs, salaries, or overhead that will be taken out of your gift. 100% of your donation will be translated to people who not only have real tangible needs, but need the love of God shown to them.
One life at a time! Whether you adopt a family for a month or 6 months or just a few nights, you’re touching a real person. I’m privileged to invite you to be a part of “loving one another” at the ground level. Let’s make an impact together. Let’s change one life at a time.
Let's make history His-Story!
--Pastor Keith Tucci after his March 2022 trip to Ukraine's border
Keith Tucci has served in a variety of ministerial roles, including pastor, church planter, and missionary. He has a prominent voice in the Christian community and has had two victorious cases before the United States Supreme Court regarding free speech. He also has appeared before the Senate Judiciary Committee and has been a guest on various news shows, including Good Morning America, Nightline, and Firing Line. Until 2015, Keith was pastoring Living Hope Church in Pennsylvania. Currently, he serves as the Apostolic Team Leader for the Network of Related Pastors. Keith and his wife, Penny, have been married for over 40 years. They have eight children and fifteen grandchildren.
The Network of Related Pastors is a national ministerial association committed to seeing HEALTHY LEADERS, HEALTHY CHURCHES. NRP’s vision is to AFFIRM and encourage pastors, their families, and their local church teams, RESOURCE pastors, their wives, and teams for success, CONNECT for relational partnership and oversight, ASSIST pastors in defining, developing, and fulfilling vision, EQUIP pastors in cultural engagement, PROMOTE generational legacy, and ENCOURAGE churches to launch life-giving spiritually healthy churches, both locally and globally. Learn more about NRP HERE.